Monday, July 18, 2011

Going Organic... sort of

My latest pride and joy are these seeds which have miraculously (okay, I know it's actually a very pedestrian event) blossomed from their little paper packets at Bunnings to tiny salad leaves. Quite tiny, admittedly, especially the second lot-- some kind of herb which I've already forgotten. Still, somehow this is really quite exciting to my husband and I-- as if we were watching a pregnancy or something. This may be to do with my sorry history with plants. I had a house fern-thing. It was really nice for about one week and then the flowers went yellow. Then I had a cyclamen. It was really nice for about one week and then... this time it was the leaves that betrayed me.

To be fair, neither was a great surprise. My cyclamen was kind of soggy. Which was in response to my overcompensating for the guilt felt for leaving my ferny-thing for 5 weeks while I went to Indonesia. Apparently, some people organise for others to water their plants. I am not there. Actually, the metaphor of parenting seems rather apt too. How many families do you know in which parents oscillated between over-nuturing and sending the child to every class known to man, complete with ensuring they know conversational French in kindergarten, and then by the third child they're pulling right back and letting the kid play with snails in the back yard and telling them that boredom is character building. Okay, that last part came straight from my own childhood.

Anyway, my plants. I am so proud of you, little plants. I love the way you are ACTUALLY LEANING TOWARDS THE SUN, like the science experiment success I never had. I love that you really did grow from seeds, in spite of me not reading the packet properly and realising post-purchase that you can only be sown in Winter if I live in a northern state. I love how grown up you make me feel. After all, purchasing seeds, pot, pot tray and soil was a number of steps to have covered and it has taken me some time. Little plants, strain away, and keep growing. I am so very pleased with you, and can't wait to enjoy you in salad.

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